Principles Of Cultural Expression

By Sebai Maa


The concept of culture will be an extremely important if not the most important aspect of humanity to our study and so it will be developing theme throughout our study.  The following principles are offered as a standard for understanding what culture is, how it manifests in the world, and how that manifestation affects others cultures.


Purpose of Culture



The Study Of Culture


Culture Anthropology,  is the study concerned with depicting the character of various cultures, and the similarities and differences between them.  This branch of anthropology is concerned with all cultures whether simple or complex and its methodology entails a holistic view, field work, comparative analysis (both within the society and cross-culturally), and a tenancy to base theoretical models on empirical data rather than vice versa. 1


Ethnology, is the comparative study of cultures. using ethnographic material from two or more societies, ethnology can attempt to cover their whole cultural range or concentrate on a single culture trait.  Ethnology was originally a term covering the whole of anthropology, toward the end of the 19th century historical ethnology was developed in an attempt to trace culture diffusion.  Now ethnologists concentrate on cross-cultural studies, using statistical methods of analysis. 2


While this work may be considered as a form of cultural anthropology and ethnology, it will also serve as an overview of the theological principles espoused by the cultures in question.  The techniques used in our book "From Egypt to Greece" to compare culture will lay heavy emphasis on iconographical and philosophical factors as well as historical evidences, as opposed to statistical methods of analysis.  It is possible to focus on the apparent differences between cultures and religious philosophies.  This has been the predominant form of philosophical discourse and study of Western scholarship.  The seeming differences between religious have led to innumerable conflicts between groups throughout  history, all because of the outer expression of religion.  however, throughout this work I will attempt to focus on the synthetic aspects of the philosophies and religions in question because it is in the similarities wherein harmony is to be found; harmony in the form of concurrence in ideas and meaning.  In light of this idea of harmony, it is possible to look at the folklore of culture traditions throughout the world and see the same psycho-mythological message being espoused through the various cultural masks.  They are all referring to the same Supreme Being.  While giving commentary and adding notes, which I feel will be helpful to the understanding of the texts which I will compare, I have endeavored to use the actual text wherever possible so that you, the reader, may see for yourself and make your own judgment. 


 Culture is everything a human being learns from living in society including language, history, values and religion, etc.  however, the outer learning masks an inner experience.  Spirituality is that movement to transcend culture and discover the essence of humanity.  This ultimate truth, known by many names, such as God, Goddess, Supreme Being, and their varied names in all of the world's cultures, is revered by all peoples, though culture an folk differences color the expression of that reverence.  This is what is called the folk expression of religion based on culture and local traditions.  For example, the same Ultimate Reality is expressed by Christians based on European culture and traditions, as God.  The same Ultimate Reality is expressed by Muslims based on Arab culture and traditions as Allah.  The same Ultimate and Transcendental Reality is worshipped by Jews based on Hebrew culture and Traditions.  The same Ultimate and Transcendental Reality is worshipped by the Chinese based on Chinese culture and Traditions, etc.  If people who practice religion stay at the outer levels (basing their religious practice and wisdom on their culture, myths and traditions), they will always see differences between faiths.  Religion has three aspects, myth, ritual and mysticism.  Myth and ritual relate to the folk expression of religion, whereas mysticism relates to that movement of self-discovery that transcends all worldly concepts.  Mysticism allows any person in any religion to discover that the same Supreme Being is being worshipped by all under different names and forms, and by different means.  It is the worship itself and the object of that worship that underlies the human movement.  Therefore, the task of true mystics (spiritual seekers) is to go beyond the veil of the outer forms of religion, including the symbols,  but more importantly, the doctrines, rituals and traditions.



1 Random House Encyclopedia copyright (c) 1983, 1990



Types and Definition of Culture


Definition: Western Culture = Is the following true? “Western Culture” constitutes the traditions, beliefs and production of those people who have developed societies in the western part of the continent of Asia (Europe), and who see this part of the world as their homeland or view the world from the perspective of the traditions (including religion) and norms of that region (Eurocentric).  This includes the United States of America, Canada, as well as other counties which have societies that are descendants from the European colonial rulers, and which control the governments of the former colonies (including Australia, New Zealand, etc.). Also included are counties where the political order is supported or enforced (neocolonialism or capitalistic globalism) by the Western counties.  In a broad sense, Western Culture is a way of thinking has spread far a field and now includes all who adopt the philosophies, norms and customs of that region, including secularism and religions that are predominantly Christian, followed by the Jewish and Islamic.


Definition:  Arab Culture = Is the following true?  “Arab Culture” constitutes the traditions, beliefs and production of those people who have developed societies in the south-western part of the continent of Asia (Arabia, Mesopotamia and now also north Africa), and who see this part of the world as their homeland or view the world from the perspective of the traditions ( including religion) and norms of that region .  In a broad sense, Arab Culture is away of thinking that has spread far a field and now adopt the philosophies, norms and customs of that region.


Definition:  Eastern Culture = Is the following true?  “Eastern Culture” constitutes the traditions, beliefs and production of those people who have developed societies in the Eastern part of the continent of Asia (India, China) and who see this part of the world as their homeland or view the world from the perspective of the traditions (including religion) and norms of that region (Indocentric).  In a broad sense, Eastern Culture is a way of thinking that includes all who adopt the philosophies, norms and customs of that region.


Definition:  Eastern Culture = Is the following true? ”Africa Culture” or “Southern Culture” constitutes the traditions, beliefs and production of those people who have developed societies in the in the continent of Africa (Sub-Saharan counties) and who see this part of the world as their homeland or view the world from the perspective of the native traditions (including religion) and norms of that region (Africentric (Afrocentric)).  In a broad sense, African Culture is a way thinking that includes all we adopt the philosophies, norms and customs of that region.